Schemes of work, Course calendar & Handbooks

A2 course calendar


Key topics

Course events

1st September

Introduction to Liberalism - key issues including human nature, individualism, freedom, justice, equality, democracy, rights, toleration.

8th September

Traditions & tensions – (1) Classical Liberal views on human nature, the state, society and the economy.

Homework 1 due

15th September

Traditions & tensions – (2) Modern Liberal views on human nature, the state, society and the economy.

Homework 2 due

22nd September

Traditions & tensions – (3) Neo Liberal views on human nature, the state, society and the economy.

29th September

Conservatism – Core ideas & theories including tradition, property, organic society, hierarchy & authority.

Homework 3 due

6th October

Traditions & tensions – Traditional/One nation conservative attitudes towards human nature, the state, society and the economy

Homework 4 due

13th October

Traditions & tensions – New Right conservative attitudes towards human nature, the state, society & the economy.

Winter Break

3rd November

Intro to socialism – key issues including co-operation, fraternity, collectivism, social equality, social justice.

10th November

Marxism - revolutionary socialist views on human nature, the state, society and the economy

Homework 5 due

17th November

Revisionism – Social democracy & the 3rd way

Homework 6 due

24th November

Anarchism – core ideas & theories including anti-statism, natural harmony, utopianism, mutualism & egoism    

1st December

Tensions & traditions – Collectivist Anarchism – Mutualism, Anarcho syndicalism & Anarcho communism

Homework 7 due

8th December

Tensions & traditions – Individualist anarchism – Egoism, Libertarianism & Anarcho capitalism

Winter Break

5th January

Feminism – Core ideas including sex/gender, patriarchy, public/private divide & essentialism

Homework 8 due

12th January

Liberal Feminism - key features & tensions

19th January

Socialist feminism – key features & tensions

Homework 9 due

26th January

Radical feminism - key features & tensions

2nd February

Nationalism – Core ideas including nation, race, patriotism & self-determination

Homework 10 due

9th February

Nationalist traditions – Compatibility with other ideologies focusing on Conservative nationalism & Expansionist nationalism

Mock week

Half Term

23rd February

Nationalist traditions - Compatibility with other ideologies focusing on Liberal nationalism & Anti/post colonial nationalism

2nd March

Multi culturalism - Key concepts/core ideas including diversity, the politics of recognition, culture, identity & minority rights

9th March

Multi culturalism & politics – Liberal multiculturalism

Homework 11 due

16th March

Multi culturalism & politics – Pluralist, Paticularist & Cosmopolitan multiculturalism

Homework 12 due

23rd  March

Ecologism - Key concepts including holism, sustainability, environmental ethics & from having to being

Spring Break

13th April

Modernist ecology, shallow ecology, conservative & liberal approaches

Homework 13 due

20th April

Social ecology (eco-anarchism, eco-feminism & eco-socialist) & Deep ecology

Mock week

27th April

Unit 4 revision

Homework 14 due

4th May

Unit 4 revision

11th May

Unit 3 revision

Homework 15 due

18th May

Unit 3 revision

Homework 16 due

Half Term

1st June


8th June

Government And Politics Unit 3: Key Themes In Political Analysis 6GP03 08-Jun-2015 PM


Provisional date

15th June

Government And Politics Unit 4: Extended Themes In Political Analysis 6GP04 17-Jun-2015 AM


Provisional date

A2 Prep schedule

Homework title

Date due


Define individualism & its importance for liberal ideology. (15)

5th September


How is liberalism linked to rationalism, and what are the implications of this link? (15)

12th September


On what grounds do liberals support democracy? (15)

19th September


 ‘The similarities between classical liberalism & modern liberalism are greater than the differences.’ Discuss. (45)

26th September


To what extent do conservatives value tradition (15)

3rd October


Explain the implications of the conservative belief in organic society(15)

10th October


How has conservatives justified private property? (15) Has conservatism been concerned with social stability more than with economic freedom? (45)

17th October


Why have socialists supported collectivism, and how have they sought to promote it? (15)

7th November


Distinguish between fundamentalist socialism and revisionist socialism.(15)

14th November


On what grounds have socialists criticised the liberal view of equality? (15) To what extent has socialism been marked by its opposition to capitalism? Discuss (45)

21st November


Why have anarchists believed that the state is unnecessary? (15)

28th November


On what grounds do anarchists believe in the possibility of a stateless society? (15)

5th December


Explain the link between anarchism and individualism.(15) To what extent do anarchists agree about the nature of the future stateless society? (45)

11th December


What is patriarchy, and why is it important in feminist analysis? (15)

9th January


Explain the importance of the distinction between sex and gender for feminist analysis. (15)

16th January


Explain the key features of liberal feminism. (15)

23rd January


Why have radical feminists proclaimed that ‘the personal is the political’? (15)

‘Feminism is compatible with many political doctrines, but not with conservatism.’ Discuss. (45)

30th January


Why have nationalists viewed the nation-state as a political ideal?

6th February


Distinguish between nationalism and racialism.

12th February


Distinguish between political nationalism and cultural nationalism (15) ‘Nationalism is a recipe for peace and international order.’ Discuss. (45)

27th February


Why is multiculturalism often viewed as a form of identity politics (15)

6th March


On what grounds have multiculturalists defended the idea of minority rights? (15)

13th March


‘Multiculturalism breeds tension and social conflict.’ Discuss. (45)

20th March


Distinguish between anthropocentrism and eco-centrism (15)

27th March


How and why have ecologists supported the principle of sustainability? (15)

17th April


‘Ecology implies a radically different relationship between humankind & the natural world.’ Discuss.(45)

24th April

AS Politics course calendar

Key topics unit 1
Key topics unit 2
Course events
1st September
What is Politics?
Legitimacy, power, authority & sovereignty
Is democracy always a good thing?
Into to unit 2 & topic 1
What is a constitution for?
Homework 1 due Friday
8th September
What types of democracy are there?
What are the main sources & characteristic of the UK constitution?
Should the UK codify its constitution?
Homework 2 due Friday
15th September
What kind of democracy exists in the UK?
The concept & location of sovereignty
Homework 3 due Friday (M)
22nd September
Is there a participation crisis in the UK?
What impact has the EU had on British sovereignty?
Homework 4 due Friday
29th September
Can UK democracy be improved?
Constitutional reform since 1997?
Homework 5 due Friday
6th October
Is there a democratic deficit in the UK?
Constitutional Reform: What might be next?
Homework 6 due Friday (M)
13th October
What is the point of an election?
How does Parliament work?
Homework 7 due Friday
Half Term
3rd November
First Past The Post: What is it, why is it criticised & why is it supported?
What is the difference between Parliamentary & Presidential government?
Has Parliament’s sovereignty been eroded?
Homework 8 due Friday
10th November
Should FPTP be reformed?
What other systems are used in the UK?
What is the House of Lords for ?
Homework 9 due Friday (M)
17th November
What is PR? What are the key effects of the other systems
How effectively does Parliament do its job?
Homework 10 due Friday
24th November
What would be the effects of reform? How would it affect general elections?
How could reform of Parliament enable it to better control the power of the government?
Homework 11 due Friday (M)
1st December
Political Parties
What are the features & functions of political parties?
The nature & structure of government
Homework 12 due Friday
8th December
Political Parties
The evolution of Conservatism
The Cabinet
Homework 13 due Thursday
Winter break
5th January
Political Parties
Socialism & the Labour party
Ministers – responsibility & resignations
Homework 14 due Friday (M)
12th January
Political Parties
Equality, freedom & the individual: the meaning of Liberalism
The functions & powers of the Prime Minister
Homework 15 due Friday
19th January
Political Parties
Ideas and policies in the ‘age of austerity’
Is the PM now effectively a President?
Homework 16 due Friday (M)
26th January
Pressure groups
What are pressure groups?
The rule of law & the  role  of the judiciary
Homework 17 due Friday
2nd February
Pressure groups
How do pressure groups try to influence the decision makers?
Judicial independence
Homework 18 due Friday
9th February
Pressure groups
Why are some pressure groups more successful than others?
Judicial neutrality
Homework 19 due Thursday (M)
23rd February
Pressure groups
How have pressure groups changed over recent times?
Civil liberties
Homework 20 due Friday
2nd March
Pressure groups
Are pressure groups good for democracy?
Reform of the judiciary
Homework 21 due Friday (M)
9th March
Mock exam
Mock exam
16th March
Democracy revision
Constitution revision
23rd  March
Elections revision
Parliament revision
Half term
13th April
Political Parties revision
Executive revision
20th April
Judiciary revision
Judiciary revision
27th April
Revision unit 1
Revision unit 2
4th May
Revision unit 1
Revision unit 2
11th May
18th May
Spring break
1st June
Government And Politics Unit 1: People And Politics 6GP01 01-Jun-2015 AM
Government And Politics Unit 2: Governing The Uk 6GP02 04-Jun-2015 PM
Provisional date
8th June
Introduction to A2 – What is Ideology?
Introduction to A2 – What is Ideology?
15th June
Introduction to A2 – What do we mean by human nature?
Introduction to A2 – What do we mean by human nature?
Student research
22nd June
Introduction to A2 –  Introduction to Anarchism
Introduction to A2 –  Introduction to Anarchism

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